Let Our Journeys Enrich Life

At LOJEL, our mission is to create carry essentials that simplify movement – because simplifying how we move frees us up to focus on what matters. We design our products to empower life’s journeys, encourage mindful movement, and promote sustainable lifestyles.



Left: Advertisement of the first generation LOJEL suitcase in 1989 / Right: LOJEL’s founder Chih Chang Chiang holding the first generation LOJEL suitcase.

LOJEL was founded in Japan in 1989 by a young entrepreneur named Chih Chang Chiang. After years of designing and selling bags at local markets, Chiang took his product concepts to Toyama, Japan where he established a manufacturing partnership and began laying the foundation for LOJEL’s transformative journey – reimagining the world of carry essentials.

An Chieh Chiang, CEO of LOJEL.

Today, the founder’s grandson and LOJEL’s CEO, An Chieh Chiang, continues to lead the company toward innovation for the evolving needs of modern movement. By honing in on the journeys of everyday life, LOJEL has transcended our roots in travel and seamlessly integrated into the fabric of daily routines.

Our Unwavering Commitment

At LOJEL, we live by a few simple values:


1. Intentional by Design: We believe in the beauty of simplicity. Our solutions are designed to be straightforward, ethical, and efficient.

2. Driven by Diversity: Our team comes from all corners of the world, and we actively embrace diverse opinions and cultural perspectives with humility, curiosity, and collaboration.

3. Purposefully Positive: We strive to enrich the communities and ecosystems that we are part of through carefully considered actions.


“We are not able to predict the future, but we are also not burdened by our own histories or heritage. If we are going to be challenged and disrupted, this should come from ourselves. Our existence has always defined why the world needs us in the first place. So, whatever we do, we shall not forget our mission, which is to anticipate and deliver experiences that define modern movement.” – An Chieh Chiang, CEO of LOJEL


Our Design Philosophy

Empowering people’s journeys with thoughtful carry essentials for travel and everyday movement is the bedrock of everything we create.

Our product vision is guided by three key principles:


1. Less, but better: We design only what’s necessary and ensure it’s developed to the highest standards of design, ethics, and technology. Standing out from the crowd with quality, not quantity.

2. Simply User-Centric: Your needs are at the heart of every decision we make, and we don’t distract with complicated bells and whistles. Simplified accessibility means you’ll have more focus on the journey without distraction.

3. Modern Movement: Modular and adaptable to your changing needs. We understand that movement isn’t limited to only travel. That’s why we’ve adapted innovative lines with hybrid carry essentials for all types of mobility, from international journeys to workday commutes.


Behind the Logo

The LOJEL logomark combines two symbols of movement—a pathway and a flag.

While the pathway represents a journey from point A to point B, the flag symbolizes a marking of one’s arrival, or where one has gone. These ideas intertwine into the final logomark as a representation of contemporary movement and celebrating the journeys that have shaped us as well as the journeys we’ve yet to embark on.


Our Path to Sustainability

Sustainability is not just a buzzword for us – it’s a guiding principle that informs our daily decisions. In response to the changing world, we embarked on a journey to redefine LOJEL as a brand that focuses on how we carry. As global events have highlighted the need for strengthening our contribution to sustainability over the past decade, we recognized the importance of putting our efforts toward social consciousness, environmental preservation, and governance at the forefront.

We believe in empowering life’s journeys; that empowerment starts with caring for the world in which we move. By keeping sustainability at the heart of our operations, we are committed to a better future by setting ambitious yet attainable goals, such as carbon neutrality and the elimination of plastics in our packaging by 2026, and maintaining full transparency.

In our company, we’re committed to embodying values that impact the habits, hearts, and minds of our team and the communities where we operate.

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LOJEL’s offices now span the globe—headquartered in the metropolitan hub of Hong Kong, our team is also present throughout Asia, North America, and Europe. Our appreciation and respect for the freedom of movement imbue us with a responsibility to create shared value for our planet and communities.



Let Our Journeys Enrich Life